Acronyms used on this website (in alphabetical Order) |
AENEAS | Association for European Nano Electronics Activities
An Industrial Association in Europe providing networking opportunities, policy influence and supported access to funding. Focus areas are micro- and nanoelectronics in in applications where Europe is strong, high growth rates are expected or a changing landscape opens new opportunities (Link to AENEAS Homepage) AENEAS is one of three private members of the ECSEL JU. |
Advanced Research and Technology for Embedded Intelligence and Systems – Industry Association
An Industry Association in Europe with multidisciplinary nature providing a network for the exchange of technology ideas, cross-domain-fertilisation and large innovation ideas. Focus areas are embedded and cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things and digital platforms (Link to ARTEMIS-IA Homepage). ARTEMIS-IA is one of three private members of the ECSEL JU. |
CLEC | Customized low-energy computing. |
CSA | Coordination and Support Action
A funding scheme for projects (“type of action”) without own research or development actions. CSA can concentrate on e.g. road mapping, networking, dissemination and exploitation activities or standardisation. The CSA aligned to the SAE initiative is Smart 4 Europe. |
CPS | Cyber-Physical System
CPS link the “real” world (physical) with the world of information processing (cyber). Defining the term at the level of a simple FAQ is a huge task, so we refer to the Website of the European Commission. Design and realisation of innovative CPS products are regarded as key enabling technology for digitisation. Projects addressing CPS challenges are CPSE Labs, EuroCPS, and FED4SAE. |
CPSE Labs | One of the CPS projects aligned to the SAE initiative, active as Innovation Action in the area of cyber-physical systems, see CPSE Labs. |
DIATOMIC | One of the projects aligned to the SAE initiative, active as Innovation Action in the area of Smart Systems Integration, see DIATOMIC |
DIH | Digital Innovation Hub
DIHs support the faster adoption of latest digital technologies notably by SMEs, start-ups and mid-caps. They act as a one-stop-shop, providing customers with access to digital technologies and competences, infrastructure and training to test digital innovations, financing advice, market intelligence and networking opportunities (Link to a catalogue of European DIHs). |
Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership – Joint Undertaking
ECSEL is an EU-driven, public-private partnership, empowering innovation in electronic components and systems. ESCEL is shaping digital innovation by funding research, development and innovation projects in key enabling technologies. The private members of the partnership are AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA and EPoSS (Link to ECSEL Homepage). |
EPoSS | European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration
A product and industry driven European Technology Platform, defining research and development and innovation needs as well as policy requirements related to Smart Systems Integration (Link to EPoSS Homepage). |
EuroCPS | One of the CPS projects aligned to the SAE initiative, active as Innovation Action in the area of cyber-physical systems, see EuroCPS |
FED4SAE | One of the CPS projects aligned to the SAE initiative, active as Innovation Action in the area of cyber-physical systems, see FED4SAE |
Gateone | One of the projects aligned to the SAE initiative, active as Innovation Action in the area of Smart Systems Integration, see Gateone |
H2020 | Horizon 2020
HORIZON 2020 is a research and innovation programme of the European Union (Link to the Participant Portal). All projects aligned to the SAE initiative have received funding from the European Union´s HORIZON 2020 research and innovation programme. |
I4MS | ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs
I4MS is an initiative of the European Commission that is seen as key activity to invest in the establishment of Digital Innovation Hubs to foster European leadership in manufacturing. The I4MS initiative is characterised by many parallels to the SAE initiative (Link to I4MS Homepage). |
IA | Innovation Action
A funding scheme for projects (“type of action”) primarily consisting of activities directly aiming at production plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services. Solutions shall be demonstrated in an operational (or near to operational) environment (i.e. high technology readiness level is required!). The SAE initiative uses this type of action for eight running projects. |
ICT | Information and Communication Technologies
All projects aligned to the SAE initiative have received funding from the European Union´s HORIZON 2020 research and innovation programme via different ICT-calls (for open and upcoming calls see the Work Programme Part: Information and Communication Technologies). |
IoT | Internet of Things
The IoT is the vision of a network that might connect sensors, actuators, electronic devices and other items in an “internet”-like style, where every individual “thing” is intended to be identified by a unique address. Application specific variations address e.g. an “Industrial Internet of Things” (IIoT), “Smart” home, farming, medicine and so on. |
OLAE | Organic Large Area Electronics
Electronics made from organic materials (e.g. polymers) that show advantageous properties, e.g. the manufacturability of large area electronic components like displays. OLAE as a part of materials science is regarded as key enabling technology for smart applications that can be used “everywhere”. The project addressing OLAE challenges is smartEEs |
SAE | Smart Anything Everywhere
Frequently used in the phrase „SAE initiative“. Smart Anything Everywhere is an initiative of the European Commission that is seen as key activity to invest in the establishment of Digital Innovation Hubs to accelerate the broad digital transformation of the European industry. |
Smart 4 Europe | One of the projects aligned to the SAE initiative, active as Coordination and Support Action, see Smart 4 Europe |
SmartEEs | One of the projects aligned to the SAE initiative, active as Innovation Action in the area of Organic and Large Area Electronics, see smartEEs |
Smarter-SI | One of the projects aligned to the SAE initiative, active as Innovation Action in the area of Smart Systems Integration, see Smarter-SI |
SME | Smart and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Actually, SME is defined as the group of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. This group represents 99% of all business in the EU. The definition of an SME is important for access to finance and EU support programmes: Head count < 250, Turnover ≤ € 50 million or Balance sheet total ≤ € 43 million. |
SSI | Smart Systems Integration
Smart Systems are self-sufficient intelligent technical systems (or subsystems) with advanced functionality, enabled by underlying micro- nano- and bio- systems and other components. SSI comprises all enabling technologies to develop, manufacture and integrate these systems. Projects addressing SSI challenges are DIATOMIC, Gateone and Smarter-SI |
TETRAMAX | One of the projects aligned to the SAE initiative, active as Innovation Action in the area of customised low energy computing, see TETRAMAX |