Videos and Webinars: Aligned Projects


SMART4ALL builds capacity amongst European stakeholders via the development of selfsustained, cross-border experiments that transfer knowledge and technology between academia and industry. It targets CLEC CPS and the IoT and combines a set of unique characteristics that join together under a common vision different cultures, different policies, different geographical areas and different application domains.

Have a look behind the scenes and watch their kick-off meeting in January 2020 in Patras, Greece.

Link to video:

SMARTER-SI – Smarter Access to Manufacturing for Systems Integration

The ultimate goal of SMARTER-SI was to test a new concept for small lot production, the so-called Cooperative Foundry Concept. During previous research, all involved RTOs have built components as parts of systems, i.e. building blocks, which are available and characterised by their high Technology Readiness Level (TRL). By combining these building blocks in so-called Application Experiments (AEs) innovative Smart Systems which serve SMEs’ needs are created.

Link to video:

Link to video: (in Swedish / English subtitles)